A parochial church council (PCC) is the executive committee of a parish and consists of clergy, churchwardens and representatives of the laity. It is responsible for the financial affairs of the parish and for the maintenance of the church, the churchyard and any other church buildings within the parish. The PCC also assists the clergy in the management of church affairs in the parish and promoting the mission of the church.
The PCC is the decision-making body for a parish. Its function is set out under the Synodical Governance Measure. The PCC is also the employer of anyone employed in the parish such as vergers, youth workers, cleaners or administrators. The Parochial Church Councils (Powers) Measure 1956 sets out the responsibilities and duties of the PCC.
PCCs are charities and their members are Charity Trustees so must ensure that the right policies and procedures are in place to ensure good governance and compliance.
Rules regarding the constitution and remit of PCCs and DCCs are set out in the Church Representation Rules.
The PCC is known as a body corporate. This means that the PCC has a legal identity quite separate from the individual members of which it is composed. However, the PCC body is accountable for the decisions that it makes and therefore decisions need to be taken carefully showing fairness, respect for the law, and be in line with the regulations of the Charity Commission. For this reason, the details of any far-reaching decision must always be prepared carefully in writing for every member of the PCC to have a chance to read and consider before it is finalised at the PCC meeting.
How a PCC works explains the membership and way that a PCC should conduct itself.
The Parish Resources website has lots of excellent resources to assist in the running of your PCC, including template policies, forms and advice.
As a member of a Parochial Church Council you are also a charity trustee, as all PCCs are charities. This booklet seeks to explain what this means in terms of your responsibilities and duties. This booklet has been produced for PCC members.
You may also find the following useful:
Charities and Meetings the Charity Commission guidance on the law and good practice of charity meetings.
Producing PCC Annual Reports Church of England guidance on the writing of the formal Annual Report.
A Handbook for Churchwardens and Parochial Church Councillors
Practical Church Management - A Guide for Every Parish
Trusteeship – An Introduction for PCC Members
A Guide to the Registration of PCCs with the Charity Commission
A brief outline of what every PCC member needs to know about church finances